Sunday, October 12, 2008

Are You A Christian?

Are you a Christian
and believe God's holy Word?
You go to church on Sunday
and really love the Lord.

It's nice to hear you say it,
and it has a certain ring.
But to a poor, lost sinner
It just does not mean a thing.

If when you're in his presence
You will drink with him his beer,
And you laugh long and loudest
At the vulgar talk you hear

And when he tells a dirty joke
You smile and wink and nod,
Let me tell you this, my friend,
You're no witness for our God.

If you fight with your neighbor
O'er a frivolous little thing,
And songs like "Old Dan Tucker"
Is all he hears you sing.

If he sees you acting greedy
Each time you make a deal,
Your testimony for the Lord
Will sound more like a squeal.

So come on all pretenders
Let's do this thing up right.
Don't join yourself in battle
Unless you mean to fight.

For God would rather you would be
A sinner through and through.
Then maybe he could get you saved
A make some use of you.

We are the sinner's Bible,
and he reads us every day
So let's not lead him into hell
Where it's too late to pray.

Vester Cooper
c 2008, Vester Cooper Trust. All rights reserved.

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